
Book of Mormon

 Promised Land


The Genuine Setting for the Book of Mormon


Art of Herb Roe, depicting a native North American earthwork complex


"Mound-Builder" Genre Textual Analysis


A.I. and the Authentic Literary Setting of

the Book of Mormon



Walk the Walk

Crossing Sidon (YouTube)       Journey along the line Bountiful (YouTube)


How could all those travels, settlements and battles have been in a land so small?

Wait – are we talking about the Book of Mormon or the Bible?


With nothing more than the Bible, and the location of mount Moriah, we can deduce that the Mediterranean has to be “the great sea westward” neighboring the lands of Israel and Judah.

With nothing more than the Book of Mormon, and the location of  Cumorah, we can deduce that Great Lake Erie has to be the “west sea” bordering Nephite and Lamanite lands!


Olive's Near Cumorah Setting by Deduction and Best Fit


  Cumorah! Not Quirigua



Winchester Rifle

Targeting Book of Mormon Geography Scapegoats!


The Divided Neck


The 344 Day Voyage of the Jaredites

   Oceangoing Jaredite Barge


The river SIDON Scriptural IQ Test


Ethan Smith and the Authentic Literary Setting for the Book of Mormon


How to Make Nephite Cement


  Lies - Darned Lies and Statistics


Joseph Smith, Josiah Priest and the

Times and Seasons



Ohio Decalogue Hoax  

Ohio Decalogue Stone


Beware Mark Hofmann’s Anthon Transcript Forgery!


Messianic Message of the Stones of Memorial

and the Breast-piece

Ancient Tabernacle


Did Professor Anthon and Doctor Mitchell Actually

Read Some Book of Mormon Characters?


A Book of Mormon  Place Name Found in the  Eastern United States


The Title of Liberty Restored in Pre-exilic Hebrew  

The Title of Liberty

FREE Freedom Scripture


What Many Cannot Tell, Modern Demographics Can!


Meanings of ISRAEL - ישראל


“firstfruits unto God  





Nearly NAKED WARRIORS in winter?  


Hampton Sides


Oceangoing Jaredite Barge

With Clarifying Comments


Resolving the "six hundred years" Problem of the Book of Mormon



Yes, there’s a place named “Lamanai” in Belize, but in Joseph Smith’s boyhood state of New York there’s “Oneida”.


Tour Guide Spin


"Manti" in MO


Make Your Own Pilgrimage


Where was Eden?  Where is the Garden of God?


Abraham in Egypt and the Papyrus Solar Ferry

King Tut's solar bark ring


The IlElusive Kirtland Papyrus

Gardiner A19 "Great" Ancient of DaysGardiner A43 King of Upper Egypt


Princess of On



"I cracked the Shulem cryptogram ... !"

feather, Shu


The Name of the King

tall bread loaf, Thoth


Ah-meh-strah-an Resymbolization

WP (15C)

Relativity of Simplicity


"Heartland as Hinterland" - Nice Try!


Who Originated the Heartland Model?


Prepriator of Hell


"Zarahemla" and a verse from Torah



Nephi's Timber Temple  


LDS Filmmaker Repents!  

"I'm the guy who made the biggest, most expensive film (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) has ever made, and I put it in the wrong place." (Mormon Times interview with filmmaker Kieth Merrill)


Image obtained from veimages.gsfc.nasa.gov

a land northward

“And it came to pass that they did multiply and spread, and did go forth from the land southward to the land northward, and did spread insomuch that they began to cover the face of the whole earth, from the sea south to the sea north, from the sea west to the sea east. (Helaman 3:8)

There truly is a northern land in the region where the Book of Mormon came forth, that is bordered by bodies of water in each of the cardinal directions. This was not the covenant land of liberty that Lehi's descendants originally inherited, but a “desolate” land across from the land of Desolation, and from thence “northward”. (Helaman 3:3-6, Ether 2:7, Alma 63:5) The seas mentioned in the Book of Mormon are real. Inland bodies of water are commonly called seas in ancient scripture. (Joshua 12:3; 15:5, Ether 2:7) The expression “the whole earth” doesn't necessarily mean global or planet-wide. In ancient scripture, the whole earth”  can simply mean the full extent of a local land or region. (Exodus 10:14-15, Alma 38:7) The expressions sea south, sea north, sea west, sea east, tell us the directions of bodies of water from a location indicated in scripture. These expressions alone do not tell us the names of the seas. As you carefully read Helaman 3:8 (cited above), you may discover that the reference frame for the seas mentioned in this verse, is in the land northward. In other words, from a location in this particular land northward, sea west simply means the sea that is west from that location. In the Book of Mormon, sea west” means sea on the west. Similarly, the meaning of sea east” is sea on the east, etc.  (Alma 22:27)

The Book of Mormon west sea and east sea, on the other hand, are proper nouns - that is, they are the actual names of bodies of water that situate on the west and on the east respectively, of the lands of Zarahemla and Nephi. These principal Book of Mormon lands are southward from the land northward mentioned in Helaman 3:8. (Alma 50:8) The west sea and east sea also name inland bodies of water in the directions of sunrise and sunset in Old World Jerusalem. (Joel 2:20) The Hebrew name translated utmost sea (KJV) can also be translated west sea”.

The Book of Mormon does not say that the entire land northward resides in land occupied by the United States of America. Traveling from the land of Desolation in the north (still on prophetic U.S. soil), to the land southward, we encounter the principal Book of Mormon lands of Bountiful, Zarahemla, and Nephi. These covenant lands are in the borders of the prophetic United States of America. (Alma 46:17) A more distant land northward, surrounded by seas in each of the cardinal directions matches perfectly Ontario Canada.

A Choice Land

Image derived from Google Earth, © Copyright Google

An Ancient Covenant Land of Liberty in the United States of America (Alma 46:17)

“And now, it was only the distance of a day and a half's journey for a Nephite, on the line Bountiful and the land Desolation, from the east to the west sea; and thus the land of Nephi and the land of Zarahemla were nearly surrounded by water, there being a small neck of land between the land northward and the land southward.” (Alma 22:32)

The Book of Mormon land of Zarahemla and a land among many waters by Cumorah, are so near each other, that travelers from the south mistook one region for the other. (Mosiah 8:7-8; 21:25-26, Ether 9:3; 15:8-11) This overlooked fact proves many proposed "Book of Mormon" maps false! See Distances in the Book of Mormon's American Setting.

Though the principal lands named in the Book of Mormon are comparable in size to the biblical land of Israel, there is no scriptural reason to believe that Lehi's covenant land of liberty is limited to only these (i.e. the lands of Nephi, Zarahemla, and Bountiful on the coast of the west sea - Lake Erie). (Helaman 6:10, Ether 13:4-8) The south countries, south of Lake Erie (referred to by the Lord in Doctrine and Covenants 75:8, 17) fit the Book of Mormon south countries. (Mormon 6:15, 8:2) A temperate climate conducive to keeping the seasonal ordinances of the Mosaic Law, would have been the chief constraint on the extent of Lehi's inheritance.

Then will I remember my covenant...and I will remember the land. (Leviticus 26:42)  

To God and Israelites, Covenant Lands Matter!

The stick of Judah (ets Yehuda”, אֵץ יְהוּדָה) mentioned in the Bible (Ezekiel 37:15-22) represents the covenants God made long ago with the Jewish people. The record of these covenants resides in the Bible.  These include the promise of an inheritance in Jerusalem and her environs. The Book of Mormon contains the record of God's dealings with a branch of the tribes of Joseph, who were divinely led to a country far away from the biblical Promised Land. (JST Genesis 50:25) God's covenants, recorded in the Book of Mormon, are represented by the stick of Joseph”, mentioned in the Bible.

LDS scripture clearly connects the Book of Mormon with the record of the stick of Ephraim [son of Joseph] (Doctrine and Covenants 27:5) Ephraim (pronounced “Efrayim”, אֶפְרָיִם) means double fruit. The Bible likens the separation of Joseph's posterity, to fruitful branches  extending beyond a barrier. (Genesis 49:22) Latter-day Saints interpret this barrier or wall to mean the Ocean.

Inheriting the rights of the firstborn (Genesis 48:3-5, 18-20, 1 Chronicles 5:1-2), the descendants of Ephraim are entitled to double portions, including lands of inheritance. (Deuteronomy 21:17; 33:13-17, Jeremiah 31:8-9, 16-21, Genesis 49:26, Isaiah 61:6-7) One of Ephraim's inheritances is in  the land of Israel, but, where is there another Promised Land given to Joseph’s posterity? We learn the general whereabouts of this other covenant land from LDS scripture and statements made by the Prophet Joseph Smith. We learn of Israelites who were led out of Jerusalem by the prophet Lehi, a contemporary of Jeremiah and Ezekiel. Lehi’s company included descendants of Joseph’s sons Manasseh and Ephraim, who dwelt among the Jews at Jerusalem. (1 Chronicles 9:3) The ancestors of Lehi’s company were among those who had humbled themselves and united with the house of Judah at a time when the majority of the northern tribes of Israel perilously rebelled against the LORD. (2 Chronicles 30:1, 10-12) For their stubborn wickedness, the majority of Ephraim and other northern tribes, were conquered and removed, while Judah remained faithful, preserving much of the biblical legacy. (1 Nephi 13:25; 22:4, 2 Nephi 29:4-5) Sadly, it came to pass that Judah too became corrupt. Lehi’s prophecies of the destruction of Jerusalem were met with such opposition that the LORD instructed him to flee the doomed city, with the promise that he would be led to a land choice above all others. To Nephi son of Lehi, the LORD promised: “And inasmuch as ye shall keep my commandments, ye shall prosper, and shall be led to a land of promise; yea, even a land which I have prepared for you; yea, a land which is choice above all other lands.” (1 Nephi 2:20)

For many of Israel's descendants, the importance of knowing the location of covenant lands is more than a desire to satisfy an intellectual curiosity. The subject is not just about geography or a need to tie scriptural sagas with accurate settings and genuine maps. It is about covenant inheritances and heritage. It is about blessings, responsibilities and penalties associated with lands of promise and posterity. To the Israelite mind, identifying, the God of the land, the covenant people and the covenant land is paramount. These, of course, are topics that the Book of Mormon is keen to address repeatedly. Needless to say, the God of Jacob would not leave his ancient covenant people without ways of identifying the general locations of their lands of promise. We might expect scripture to contain vital keys.

So where is the Promised Land of the Book of Mormon? Both the Prophet Joseph and LDS scripture describe a land choice above all others, a land of liberty, a land and people delivered, prospered and lifted up by the power God above all other nations. In Nephi's own prophetic words to his brethren - after arriving in the Promised Land: “ ...the Lord God will raise up a mighty nation among the Gentiles, yea, even upon the face of this land ...” (1 Nephi 22:7)

Additionally the Book of Mormon mentions particular kinds of animals, the climate, forests, great works of earth and timber, large bodies of water and many other details indicative of its true American setting. The following segments distinguish between the best sources and sources that are dubious at best. There is really a preponderance of evidence available identifying Joseph’s choicest inheritance - in a land occupied by a mighty nation “above all other nations”. (1 Nephi 13:30)

Pick a subject from the menu below:

Image derived from Google Earth, © Copyright Google

         Promised Lands
Earth & Timber
     Israelite Compass
     Articles & Quotes  
Gross Geographies
     Feasible Voyage
         P.C. Olive 
     Questions & Answers
     Broad Neck



Among the very best sources are the scriptures and verifiable
 statements by Joseph Smith

Free E-Book

About So Much More Than Geography!

A must read for those seeking solid answers to the placement of  Book of Mormon lands, and what it means for the house of Israel.

A new book by LDS author Vincent Coon (MS Physics, Hebrew language background):


E-Book Absolutely Free

Kindle readers, the  extended e-book edition, with linked table of contents, footnotes,  references and index, is available at a bargain price:

 AMAZON.com. Click here!


Click the above image to go to official web site of
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
to order a free copy of the Book of Mormon.